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2022 MPAC Dancing into the Dawn

The pandemic aggregated mental health problems. But no one is fighting alone. We care. We act. Purple Swans' 2022 charity gala "Dancing into the Dawn" is dedicated to all those fighting for mental health issues. Our brand new show, staged at the Morristown Mayo Performing Arts Center, integrates Chinese indigenous and classical dances with dance traditions from other parts of the world. Audiences acclaimed the show as "a tour de force" and "a feast for the eyes". Despite high inflation and significant cost increase due to venue upgrade, the show successfully raised $15,956 for Mental Health Association in NJ, thanks to the support from all donors, sponsors and audiences!


Feedback from Audiences

  • From a concert pianist: “What a beautiful performance. It was a tour de force- so many different numbers, music, costumes, dances- a feast for the eyes. You are all so talented and it was amazing to get a glimpse of the different styles of music. The production was so polished… I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend and congratulations to you all. I cannot wait to talk more about this with you and share my impressions!”
  • “We had a wonderful time yesterday. The show was beautiful. XXX really enjoyed himself and learned a lot about Chinese culture. It was a memorable evening.”

  • “致敬紫鹭们!第一次带全家去观看,孩子太小不得以只能中途提前退场。我是含着泪喉头哽咽得看的,被你们感动,被你们折服! 太棒了!现在回想起来还是觉得很激动。“

  • “昨晚紫鹭的精彩演出空前成功,编排,表演、服装、灯光都很专业, 题材也十分广泛,古典优美的青蛇白蛇相“伴” ,谐趣可爱的俏媒婆,异域风情的波斯“千年之约”,网络热歌改编的歌曲串烧的“我们的生活速写”等。我家儿子一开场就被服装、舞姿、舞台大屏幕背景镇住了, 一边看,一边给朋友发照片视频,他的最爱是情景歌舞mojito和波斯肚皮舞。他倒知道周杰伦,看来人们对于熟悉的旋律更容易产生共鸣!有位领导上台讲话说,精神健康最重要的是早期发现和干预,可以再加一句,欣赏一场紫鹭的演出,大脑立即产生快乐激素, 迎来一个好心情,效果也是杠杠滴!有几个被拉来第一次看紫鹭演出的朋友,也赞不绝口,都说下次演出还要来看!“

  • “她们在荣耀一个舞者的精神!这是令人肃然起敬的感动!“

  • “你们最辛苦了,是你们用自己的正能量传递着中国文华艺术在美国,让美国人刮目相看,在后台跟老外聊天,他们喜欢的不要不要,问什么时候再来演。每个节目都拿得出手,不亚于专业人士!你们厉害了!“

  • “昨天跟几个朋友一起看了紫鹭的大秀,我们都是第一次看,都听说过紫鹭很厉害[强] 看完之后大家真是赞不绝口,有个朋友说场中落泪了,因为被紫鹭大家庭坚持不懈和拼搏的精神感动,我看的思乡了,熟悉的街景牌楼、大街小巷……谢谢你们热心公益的同时,为大家带来艺术的享受和爱的温暖 [玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][爱心]“

  • “XXX给我的小苗儿两三年了,终于花开。令我想起紫鹭的双人舞《伴》“

  • “我真心觉得紫鹭公益演出是个 win-win-win-win performance. 它不但给了你们这些业余艺术爱好者一个平台和空间去追求自己的爱好,给当地华裔社区带来熟悉贴心高质量的娱乐表演,同时起到一个宣传和推动中国古今文化,融合中西文化的渠道作用, 最重要的是还筹资捐给青少年mental health association 立志为改善 youth mental health 出一份大力。I can't think of a reason not to support, promote and publicize. [愉快]”

  • “紫鹭和我女儿见证着彼此的成长。我女儿在2岁、5岁和8岁看到了紫鹭的三场演出。小家伙每次看都目不转睛、意犹未尽。有其女必有其母,我也爱看。Lucy老师的编舞一级棒!我是XXX的粉丝!恳请你们考量是否可以把三年的演出周期缩短为两年。谢谢!”

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