Youth Mental Health First Aid Workshop
December 15, 2024
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One in five children in the United States has a diagnosable mental health condition.*
More than 50% of all lifetime mental illness emerges before age 14, and 75% developed by age 24*. According to its 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), a part of the U.S. Public Health Service, found out that 14.4% of youth aged 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode, compared to 13.3% in 2017 and 12.8% in 2016. For young adults aged 18 to 25, the statistics turned out to be 13.8% in 2018, compared to 13.1% in 2017 and only 10.9% in 2016. In 2018, the World Health Organization has chosen youth as the focus of World Mental Health Day 2018 with its theme, “Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World.”
In today's changing world, recognizing signs of mental illness among youth and providing timely and quality treatment is as important as, if not more than, treating physical illness. Together, we can help our youth manage their mental health issues so they could flourish in their journey ahead.
*Source of data cited:
Training Sessions:
From May 2018, Purple Swans and Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) jointly hosted a series of Youth Mental Health First Aid programs. Through a whole day training program, experienced instructors provided hands-on advices on how to help stressed youth. 100% of the participants rated the program highly. Since August 2022, QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) youth suicide prevention trainings were added to provide more targeted training and assistance.
September 2024—6th Youth Mental Health First Aid training
May 2023—5th Youth Mental Health First Aid training
April 2023—2nd Youth QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training
August 2022—1st Youth QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training
November 2021—4th Youth Mental Health First Aid training
February 2020—3rd Youth Mental Health First Aid training
October 2018—2nd Youth Mental Health First Aid training
May 2018—1st Youth Mental Health First Aid training
Charity Galas Raising Funds for MHANJ ($27,640 raised):
The pandemic aggregated mental health problems. But no one is fighting alone. We care. We act. Purple Swans’ November 2022 charity gala “Dancing into the Dawn” is dedicated to all those fighting for mental health issues. Our brand-new show, staged at the Morristown Mayo Performing Arts Center, integrates Chinese indigenous and classical dances with dance traditions from other parts of the world. Audiences acclaimed the show as “a tour de force” and “a feast for the eyes”. Despite high inflation and significant cost increase due to venue upgrade, the show successfully raised $15,956 for Mental Health Association in NJ, thanks to the support from all donors, sponsors and audiences!
On November 2, 2019, Purple Swans staged the “Dancing under the Harvest Moon” show at Union County Performing Arts Center. All net proceeds from the show in the amount of $11,684 were donated to the Mental Health Association in NJ to provide youth mental health first aid. The show integrates indigenous Chinese dances and singings with classic American Pop, Jazz and Broadway. More than a thousand audiences experienced a grand celebration of Chinese and Western music and dance styles while participating in a relay race to help stressed youth in our communities. Personal stories of fighting mental health issues were shared on stage by Purple Swans’ dancer and her now adult daughter and touched hearts of many.
课程简介数据表明,美国四分之一的青少年存在不同程度的心理健康问题。近年来青少年因抑郁而结束自己年轻生命的悲剧更让青少年心理健康成为人们关注的话题。为了提高大家对青春期少年心理健康的认知,帮助青少年正确面对和走出心理的困境, 紫鹭艺术中心(The Purple Swans Corporation)特邀新泽西心理健康协会 (Mental Health Association in New Jersey), 于2020年2月8日举办第三期“青少年心理健康援助” (Youth Mental Health First Aid) 培训。 “青少年心理健康援助”课程主要针对与青少年接触的成人( 如父母,家庭成员,老师,教练等)。通过培训,学员可以了解青少年面临的心理健康挑战,探索青少年青春期发展常态,学习一套颇具实用性的“五步操作方案“,从而能更好的帮助青少年。培训结束后,学员将荣获有效期为三年的全美认证证书。 紫鹭艺术中心作为此次活动的合办方,在课程培训当天为所有学员提供午餐和下午茶,为大家一整天的专注学习加油续航!
学员反馈课程后所有学员提供的反馈显示,大家普遍满意课程所教授的内容: ● 100%提供反馈的学员认同课程加强了他们对于青少年心理健康问题的认知和风险意识 ● 100%提供反馈的学员认同课程提供了实用的技能来帮助受心理问题困扰的青少年 ● 100%提供反馈的学员会将该课程推荐给他人(81%强烈推荐!) 往期课程学员的具体反馈: --“角色扮演和案例演练为我们理解教授内容提供了很大的帮助。” --“课程里的心理疾病风险评估和自杀行为倾向评估是很重要的技能。” --“讨论中包含了新的热点领域:来自于社交网络的压力对于心理健康的影响,非常受用。” --“这堂课让我更加重视孩子心里的声音,认真聆听,和他一起成长。”