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Other Charitable Efforts

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On November 2, 2019, Purple Swans present its second dance gala “Dancing under the Harvest Moon” and all net proceeds ($11,684)  went to “The Mental Health Association in New Jersey” to continue our efforts to help stressed youth in the community.

On November 2, 2019, Purple Swans present its second dance gala “Dancing under the Harvest Moon” and all net proceeds ($11,684) went to “The Mental Health Association in New Jersey” to continue our efforts to help stressed youth in the community.

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On December 4, 2016, Purple Swans staged its inaugural dance gala “A journey to Shangri-La” and donated all the profits to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in an effort to fight cancer. 

On December 4, 2016, Purple Swans staged its inaugural dance gala “A journey to Shangri-La” and donated all the profits to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in an effort to fight cancer. 

Purple Swans - Perform for a cause

Dancing Legs

Purple Swans has actively participated in artistic, cultural and community events such as Asian-American Heritage Festival and Baldwin Oaks Senior Center performance. On-stage, the performers are seen as passionate dancers. Off-stage, they are giving back to society through performing arts.

Create a positive impact in people's lives

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To celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day, for five consecutive years since 2015, Purple Swans presented an annual lively show at Baldwin Oaks Senior Center (Parsippany, NJ). We received warm appreciation and glowing feedback from the senior citizens of various cultural backgrounds, who looked forward to, and celebrated our performance as their annual holiday. Purple Swans has made it a regular event to help enrich the lives of senior citizens in the community.

Baldwin Oaks老年公寓2018爱心演出后记













“这次怎么没有看到Mark? 他唱歌唱得真好听。还有一些以前熟悉的舞蹈演员昨天也没来。希望她们下次再来,她们跳得非常美的。”




2018年6月4日,位于新泽西州 Parsippany Baldwin Oaks 老人院的老人家们,在兴奋地交流昨晚观看紫鹭艺术中心慰问演出的感想。








演出结束,演员和老人们合影留念时,一位美国老奶奶对一位身着现代舞舞裙的舞者说:“你们这个舞太棒了!我都想和你们一起跳了!” 舞者回应:“那我们把演出录像发给您,您先练着,我们明年来的时候,您和我们一起跳!”







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